Weiterführende Informationen
Zhifen Chen, PhD
Dr. rer. nat. Tan An Dang
Dr. med. Dr. med. univ. Moritz von Scheidt, MD
Constanze Lehertshuber
Ling Li, M.Sc.
Chuhua Yang, M.Sc.
Shuangyue Li, M.Sc.
Philipp Müller, M.Sc.
Amin Sharifi, M.Sc.
Benedikt Niedermeier
Tobias Loferer
Nikita Panyam, M.Sc.
Arzu Kinali, M.Sc.
Wolfgang Latz
Ulrike Weiss
Christopher Wolf
Sophia Trautbeck
Sven Duscha
Bayerisches Gesundheitsministerium
DigiMed Bayern (seit 2019)
Corona-Stiftung im Stifterverband
Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe Translational Cardiovascular Genomics (seit
Deutsches Zentrum für Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen (DZHK) e.V.
Munich Heart Alliance (seit 2012)
Fondation Leducq – Transatlantic Networks of Excellence
CAD Genomics – Understanding coronary artery disease genes (bis 2018)
Plaqomics (seit 2018)
Druggable-MI-genes (seit 2018)
EU, The seventh framework programme
CVgenes@target (bis 2016)
BMBF, Forschungskonsortien zur Systemmedizin
e:AtheroSysMED (bis 2016)
AbCD-Net (seit 2017)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
SFB 1123, Projekt B02 (seit 2014)
TRR 267, Projekt B06 (seit 2019)
10 Schlüsselpublikationen (Mitglieder der Arbeitsgruppe Erst-/Letztautor) seit 2015
- Kessler T, et al. ADAMTS-7 inhibits re-endothelialization of injured arteries and promotes vascular remodeling via cleavage of thrombospondin-1. Circulation 2015, 131, 1191-1201.
- Myocardial Infarction Genetics and CARDIoGRAM Exome Consortia Investigators, et al. Coding variation in ANGPTL4, LPL, and SVEP1 and risk of coronary disease. N Engl J Med 2016, 374, 1134-44.
- Nelson CP, et al. Association analyses based on false discovery rate implicate many new loci for coronary artery disease. Nat Genet 2017, 49, 1385-1391.
- Kessler T, et al. Functional characterization of the GUCY1A3 coronary artery disease risk locus. Circulation 2017, 136, 476-489.
- Hall KT*, Kessler T*, et al. Genetic variation at the coronary artery disease risk locus GUCY1A3 modifies cardiovascular disease prevention effects of aspirin. Eur Heart J 2019, 40, 3385-3392.
- Zeng L, et al. Genetically modulated educational attainment and coronary disease risk. Eur Heart J 2019, 40, 2413-2420.
- Zeng L, et al. Contribution of Gene Regulatory Networks to Heritability of Coronary Artery Disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019, 73, 2946-2957.
- Winkler M, et al. Functional investigation of the coronary artery disease gene SVEP1. Basic Res Cardiol 2020, 115, 67.
- von Scheidt M, et al. The Transcription Factor MAFF Regulates an Atherosclerosis Relevant Network Connecting Inflammation and Cholesterol Metabolism. Circulation 2021, in press.
- Wierer M, et al. A proteomic atlas of the neointima identifies novel druggable targets for preventive therapy. Eur Heart J 2021, in press.
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